Thursday, October 20, 2011


Wrist Locks
Make sure to torque the wrist. From a position in front of your opponent compress the hand while pulling the wrist towards yourself. Getting them off balance is the key, you want their shoulder to drop and come towards you. Again, don't feel it out, just do it.

Shadow boxing at home has helped me to understand water wedges and the footwork a lot better. I still feel weak in water, but shadow boxing has made me more comfortable in the movement.

I've found that when people take longer steps or continue to push through with their attacks that my water fails. I need to remember to get off line. Getting off line a little only works when they take a short step and stop.

Headlock Defense
A good point was made to me in class. When I'm head locked, I need to drive my knee through and not settle for just a hit. I want to get my leg in front of theirs. Doing so offers better balance and gives me more control. I knew this but abandoned it over time...

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